United States hospital / nursing home:


Institution's representative submitted the following:
Richardson Medical Center is no longer affiliated with Baylor Health Care System. Please remove all listings to this affect. Thank you for your timely update.


Services provided by BAYLOR RICHARDSON MED CE:

  • Activities services are provided onsite to residents
  • Administration and storage of blood services are provided onsite to residents
  • Clinical laboratory services are provided onsite to residents
  • Dental services are provided onsite to residents
  • Dietary services are provided onsite to residents
  • Housekeeping services are provided onsite to residents
  • Mental health services are provided onsite to residents
  • Nursing services are provided onsite to residents
  • Occupational therapy services are provided onsite to residents
  • Field 1 - Indicates other activity services provided by staff onsite to residents
  • Pharmacy services are provided onsite to residents
  • Physical therapy services are provided onsite to residents
  • Physician services are provided onsite to residents
  • Podiatry services are provided onsite to residents
  • Social work services are provided onsite to residents
  • Speech/language pathology services are provided onsite to residents
  • Diagnostic xray services are provided onsite to residents

Beds - Total (Total number of beds in a facility, including those in non-Participating or non-licensed areas): 16

Beds - Total certified (Number of beds in Medicare and/or Medicaid certified areas within a facility): 16

Lpn/lvn - Full time (The number of full-time equivalent licensed practical/ vocational nurses employed by a facility on a full time basis): 2.73

Registered nurse - Full time (The number of full-time equivalent registered nurses employed by a facility on a full time basis): 4.54

Change of ownership counter (The number of times a change of ownership (chow) has taken place for a particular provider): 2

Prior change of ownership (The date of a prior change of ownership): Jun 1989

Program participation (Indicates if the provider participates in Medicare, Medicaid, or both programs): MEDICARE ONLY

Related provider number (This field is used when a provider's facility contains more than one distinct provider,such as a hospital with distinct part long term care. the number in this field will be the provider nmbr of the highest level of care): 450537

Activity professional - Part time (The number of full-time equivalent activities professionals employed part time by a facility): 0.06

Administrator - Full time (The number of full-time equivalent administrative staff employed on a full time basis by a facility): 1.14

Beds - Medicare snf (Number of Medicare certified snf beds in a facility): 16

Cert nurse aides - Contract (The number of full-time equivalent certified nurse aides under contract to a facility): 0.57

Cert nurse aides - Full time (The number of full-time equivalent certified nurse aides employed by a facility on a full time basis): 3.66

Dietitians - Part time (The number of full-time equivalent dietitians employed by a facility on a part time basis): 0.20

Food service - Part time (The number of full-time equivalent food service personnel employed by a facility on a part time basis): 0.20

Housekeeping - Part time (The number of full-time equivalent housekeeping personnel employed by a facility on a part time basis): 0.57

Lpn/lvn - Contract (The number of full-time equivalent licensed practical/ vocational nurses under contract to a facility): 0.23

Medical director - Contract (The number of full-time equivalent medical directors under contrcat to a facility): 0.17

Occupational therapist - Part time (The number of full-time equivalent occupational therapists employed by a facility on a part time basis): 0.20

Pharmacists - Part time (The number of full-time equivalent pharmacists employed by a facility on a part time basis): 0.20

Phys ther asst - Part time (Number of part-time staff hours for physical therapy as sistants): 0.39

Physical therapists - Part time (The number of full-time equivalent physical therapists employed by a facility on a part time basis): 0.81

Provider based facility (Indicates if a long term care facility is provider based): Yes

Registered nurse - Contract (The number of full-time equivalent registered nurses under contract to a facility): 0.46

Social worker - Part time (The number of full-time equivalent social workers employed by a facility on a part time basis): 0.57

Compliance: status (Indicates if a provider or supplier is in compliance with program requirements): IN COMPLIANCE

Current survey date (The date of the health or life safety code survey, whichever is later. the "official" survey date for the provider): Mar 1999

Eligibility code (Indicates if a facility is eligible to participate in the Medicare and/or Medicaid programs): ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE

Participation date (The date a facility is first approved to provide Medicare and/or Medicaid services): May 1986