United States hospital / nursing home:
Services provided by FOREST FARM HEALTH CARE CTR:
- Activities services are provided onsite to residents
- Clinical laboratory services are provided offsite to residents
- Dental services are provided onsite to residents
- Dietary services are provided onsite to non residents
- Dietary services are provided onsite to residents
- Housekeeping services are provided onsite to residents
- Mental health services are provided offsite to residents
- Nursing services are provided onsite to residents
- Occupational therapy services are provided onsite to residents
- Field 1 - Indicates other activity services provided by staff onsite to residents
- Pharmacy services are provided onsite to residents
- Physical therapy services are provided onsite to residents
- Physician services are provided offsite to residents
- Physician services are provided onsite to residents
- Podiatry services are provided onsite to residents
- Social work services are provided onsite to residents
- Speech/language pathology services are provided onsite to residents
- Diagnostic xray services are provided offsite to residents
Beds - Total (Total number of beds in a facility, including those in non-Participating or non-licensed areas): 120
Beds - Total certified (Number of beds in Medicare and/or Medicaid certified areas within a facility): 63
Beds - Nursing facility (Number of Medicaid certified skilled nursing care beds in a facility): 2
Registered nurse - Full time (The number of full-time equivalent registered nurses employed by a facility on a full time basis): 3.99
Current fms survey date (Current fms survey date): Jan 2002
Program participation (Indicates if the provider participates in Medicare, Medicaid, or both programs): MEDICARE AND MEDICAID
Activity professional - Part time (The number of full-time equivalent activities professionals employed part time by a facility): 0.60
Administrator - Full time (The number of full-time equivalent administrative staff employed on a full time basis by a facility): 4.26
Beds - Snf/nf (Number of beds certified for both Medicare and Medicaid skilled nursing care in a long term care facility): 61
Dietitians - Part time (The number of full-time equivalent dietitians employed by a facility on a part time basis): 0.16
Housekeeping - Contract (The number of full-time equivalent housekeeping personnel under contract to a facility): 0.87
Housekeeping - Full time (The number of full-time equivalent housekeeping personnel employed by a facility on a full time basis): 2.70
Medication aides/techs-Contract (The number of full-Timr equivalent medication aides/ technicians under contract to a facility): 0.33
Medication aides/techs-Full time (The number of full-time equivalent medication aides/ technicians employed by a facility on a full time basis): 2.76
Nurse aides in trng - Contract (Number of full time equivalent nurse aides in training under contract to a facility): 6.20
Nurse aides in trng-Full time (The number of full-time equivalent nurse aides in training employed by a facility on a full time basis): 13.40
Occup therapy asst - Full time (The number of full-time equivalent occupational therapy assistants employed by a facility on a full time basis): 0.57
Occupational therapist - Full time (The number of full-time equivalent occupational therapists employed by a facility on a full time basis): 0.44
Organized family group (Indicates if the facility has an organized group of family members of residents): Yes
Organized resident group (Indicates if the facility has an organized residents group): Yes
Other - Full time (The number of full-time equivalent persons not included in any other categories employed by the facility on a full-time basis): 0.81
Other - Part time (The number of full-time equivalent persons not included in any other categories employed by the facility on a part-time basis): 0.34
Other activities staff-Part time (Number of part time staff hours provided by other activ ities staff): 0.40
Phys ther asst - Full time (Number of full-time staff hours for physical therapy as sistants): 0.94
Physical therapists - Full time (The number of full time equivalent physical therapists employed by a facility on a full time basis): 0.20
Registered nurse - Contract (The number of full-time equivalent registered nurses under contract to a facility): 1.13
Rn director of nursing - Full time (The number of full-time equivalent rn director of nursing employed by a facility on a full time basis): 1.14
Social worker - Part time (The number of full-time equivalent social workers employed by a facility on a part time basis): 0.79
Speech pathologist - Full time (The number of full-time equivalent sppech pathologists employed by a facility on a full time basis): 0.24
Compliance: status (Indicates if a provider or supplier is in compliance with program requirements): IN COMPLIANCE
Current survey date (The date of the health or life safety code survey, whichever is later. the "official" survey date for the provider): Feb 2002
Eligibility code (Indicates if a facility is eligible to participate in the Medicare and/or Medicaid programs): ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE
Participation date (The date a facility is first approved to provide Medicare and/or Medicaid services): Mar 1974