United States hospital / nursing home:




    Beds - Total (Total number of beds in a facility, including those in non-Participating or non-licensed areas): 26

    Beds - Total certified (Number of beds in Medicare and/or Medicaid certified areas within a facility): 26

    Clia - Hosp lab id #1 (Number assigned to a hospital laboratory licensed in accordance with the clinical laboratory improvement act (clia)): 17D0046994

    Current survey ever accredited (Indicates if this provider was an accredited hospital anytime during the current survey): No

    Current survey ever non-Accred (Indicates if this provider was a non-Accredited hospital anytine during the current survey): Yes

    Current survey ever swingbed (Indicates if this provider was a swingbed hospital anytime during the current survey): Yes

    Inhalation therapists (Number of fulltime equivalent inhalation therapists employed by a hospital): 0.75

    Licensed pract/vocat nurses (Number of full-time equivalent licensed practical or vocational nurses employed by a facility): 10.50

    Medical school affiliation (The type of affiliation that a hospital may have with a medical school): NO AFFILIATION

    Other personnel (The number of full-time equivalent other salaried personnel employed by a facility): 65.50

    Participating code (y,n) (This code indicates whether a provider is participating in the Medicaid or Medicare program): Yes

    Physical therapists (The number of full-time equivalent physical therapists employed by a provider): 1

    Program participation (Indicates if the provider participates in Medicare, Medicaid, or both programs): MEDICARE AND MEDICAID

    Psychiatric unit beds (The number of beds in a pps exempt psychiatric unit of a hospital): 12

    Psychiatric unit effective date (The date a psychiatric unit became exempt from the prospective payment system (pps)): Oct 1992

    Psychiatric unit indicator (Indicates if a hospital has a pps exempt psychiatric unit): Yes

    Regional override #2 (staffing) (This field is set to "y" when the regional office has to ok a pending record in the special fields screen. this field only applies to categories in the odie data entry system): Yes

    Registered nurses (The number of full-time equivalent registered professional nurses employed by a provider): 17

    Resident program approved by ada (Indicates if the resident program at a hospital is approved by the american dental association): No

    Resident program approved by ama (Indicates if the resident program at a hospital is approved by the american medical association): No

    Resident program approved by aoa (Indicates if the resident program at a hospital is approved by the american osteopathic association): No

    Resident program approved by other (Indicates if the resident program at a hospital is approved by other professional organizations): No

    Srv: anesthesia (Indicates how anesthesia services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT

    Srv: blood bank (Indiciates how blood bank services are provided by a hospital): 3

    Srv: dental (Indicates how dental services are provided): PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT

    Srv: dietary (Indicates how dietary services are provided): PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT

    Srv: emergency services(organized) (Indicates how organized emergency services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: inpatient surgical (Indicates how inpatient surgical services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: laboratory (anatomical) (Indicates how anatomical laboratory services are provided in a hospital): PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT

    Srv: laboratory (clinical) (Indicates how clinical laboratory services are provided in a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: long term care unit (Indicates how long term care unit services are provided in a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: obstetrics (Indicates how obstetrics services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: occupational therapy (Indicates how occupational therapy services are provided): PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT

    Srv: operating rooms (Indicates how operating room services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: optometric (Indicates how optometric services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT

    Srv: organ bank (Indicates how organ bank services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT

    Srv: outpatient (Indicates how outpatient services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: outpatient surgery unit (Indicates how outpatient surgery unit services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: pediatric (Indicates how pediatric services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: pharmacy (Indicates how pharmacy services are provided): PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT

    Srv: physical therapy (Indicates how physical therapy services are provided): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: postoperative recovery room (Indicates how postoperative recovery room services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: psychiatric (Indicates how psychiatric services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: radiology (diagnostic) (Indicates how diagnostic radiology services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: rehabilitation (Indicates how rehabilitation services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF AND UNDER ARRANGEMENT

    Srv: social (Indicates how social services are provided): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: speech pathology (Indicates how speech pathology services are provided): PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT

    Swing bed indicator (Indicates if a hospital provides swing bed services - Beds can be used for either hospital or long term care services): Yes

    Swing bed size code (Indicates the size of a hospital providing swing bed services): 49 OR FEWER BEDS

    Type of facility (Indicates the category which represents the type of facility): SHORT - TERM

    Srv: respiratory care (Indicates how respiratory care services are provided): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Medical social workers (Number of full-time equivalent medical social workers employed by a hospital or hospice): 2

    Compliance: plan of correction (Indicates if a provider is in compliance with program requirements based on an acceptable plan for correction of deficiencies): COMPLIANCE BASED ON ACCEPTABLE POC

    Compliance: status (Indicates if a provider or supplier is in compliance with program requirements): IN COMPLIANCE

    Current survey date (The date of the health or life safety code survey, whichever is later. the "official" survey date for the provider): May 2000

    Eligibility code (Indicates if a facility is eligible to participate in the Medicare and/or Medicaid programs): ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE

    Participation date (The date a facility is first approved to provide Medicare and/or Medicaid services): Jul 1966

    Quality Measure Score

       HereState AverageNation Average
    Heart Attack Patients Given ACE Inhibitor or ARB for Left Ventricular Systolic
    Dysfunction (LVSD)
       0%   72%   85%  
    Heart Attack Patients Given Aspirin at Arrival   100%   86%   93%  
    Heart Attack Patients Given Aspirin at Discharge   100%   86%   90%  
    Heart Attack Patients Given Beta Blocker at Arrival   100%   79%   88%  
    Heart Attack Patients Given Beta Blocker at Discharge   100%   81%   91%