United States hospital / nursing home:

1211 24TH STREET


Services provided by ISLAND HOSPITAL:

    Beds - Total (Total number of beds in a facility, including those in non-Participating or non-licensed areas): 43

    Beds - Total certified (Number of beds in Medicare and/or Medicaid certified areas within a facility): 43

    Physicians (The number of full-time equivalent physicians employed by a provider): 6.50

    Accreditation effective date (The effective date of the current period of accreditation by the joint commission on accreditation of health care organizations (jcaho) or the american osteopathic association (aoa)): Feb 1992

    Accreditation expiration date (The expiration date of the current period of accreditation by the joint committee on accreditation of health care organizations (jcaho) or the american osteopathic association (aoa)): Feb 1995

    Accreditation indicator (Indicates the organization that is responsible for the accreditation of the provider): JCAHO

    Clia - Hosp lab id #1 (Number assigned to a hospital laboratory licensed in accordance with the clinical laboratory improvement act (clia)): 50D0633955

    Current survey ever accredited (Indicates if this provider was an accredited hospital anytime during the current survey): Yes

    Current survey ever non-Accred (Indicates if this provider was a non-Accredited hospital anytine during the current survey): No

    Current survey ever swingbed (Indicates if this provider was a swingbed hospital anytime during the current survey): Yes

    Date of validation survey (Date a validation survey is performed by the state agency in a jcah or aoa accredited hospital): Mar 1992

    Dieticians (Number of full-time equivalent dieticians employed by a facility): 1

    Inhalation therapists (Number of fulltime equivalent inhalation therapists employed by a hospital): 4.50

    Medical school affiliation (The type of affiliation that a hospital may have with a medical school): NO AFFILIATION

    Other personnel (The number of full-time equivalent other salaried personnel employed by a facility): 147

    Participating code (y,n) (This code indicates whether a provider is participating in the Medicaid or Medicare program): Yes

    Physician assistants (The number of full-time equivalent physician assistants employed by a hospital or rural health clinic): 1

    Program participation (Indicates if the provider participates in Medicare, Medicaid, or both programs): MEDICARE AND MEDICAID

    Registered nurses (The number of full-time equivalent registered professional nurses employed by a provider): 53

    Registered pharmacists (The number of full-time equivalent registered pharmacists employed by a provider): 2

    Resident program approved by ada (Indicates if the resident program at a hospital is approved by the american dental association): No

    Resident program approved by ama (Indicates if the resident program at a hospital is approved by the american medical association): No

    Resident program approved by aoa (Indicates if the resident program at a hospital is approved by the american osteopathic association): No

    Resident program approved by other (Indicates if the resident program at a hospital is approved by other professional organizations): No

    Srv: anesthesia (Indicates how anesthesia services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT

    Srv: blood bank (Indiciates how blood bank services are provided by a hospital): 2

    Srv: coronary care unit (Indicates how coronary care unit services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: dietary (Indicates how dietary services are provided): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: emergency services(organized) (Indicates how organized emergency services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: home care unit (Indicates how home care services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT

    Srv: inpatient surgical (Indicates how inpatient surgical services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: intensive care unit (Indicates how intensive care unit services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: laboratory (anatomical) (Indicates how anatomical laboratory services are provided in a hospital): PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT

    Srv: laboratory (clinical) (Indicates how clinical laboratory services are provided in a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: neonatal nursery (Indicates how neonatal nursery services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: nuclear medicine (Indicates how nuclear medicine services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: obstetrics (Indicates how obstetrics services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: occupational therapy (Indicates how occupational therapy services are provided): PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT

    Srv: operating rooms (Indicates how operating room services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: optometric (Indicates how optometric services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT

    Srv: outpatient (Indicates how outpatient services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: outpatient surgery unit (Indicates how outpatient surgery unit services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: pediatric (Indicates how pediatric services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: pharmacy (Indicates how pharmacy services are provided): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: physical therapy (Indicates how physical therapy services are provided): PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT

    Srv: postoperative recovery room (Indicates how postoperative recovery room services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: radiology (diagnostic) (Indicates how diagnostic radiology services are provided by a hospital): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: social (Indicates how social services are provided): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Srv: speech pathology (Indicates how speech pathology services are provided): PROVIDED UNDER ARRANGEMENT

    Swing bed indicator (Indicates if a hospital provides swing bed services - Beds can be used for either hospital or long term care services): Yes

    Swing bed size code (Indicates the size of a hospital providing swing bed services): 49 OR FEWER BEDS

    Type of facility (Indicates the category which represents the type of facility): SHORT - TERM

    Srv: respiratory care (Indicates how respiratory care services are provided): PROVIDED BY STAFF

    Medical social workers (Number of full-time equivalent medical social workers employed by a hospital or hospice): 1

    Compliance: plan of correction (Indicates if a provider is in compliance with program requirements based on an acceptable plan for correction of deficiencies): COMPLIANCE BASED ON ACCEPTABLE POC

    Compliance: status (Indicates if a provider or supplier is in compliance with program requirements): IN COMPLIANCE

    Current survey date (The date of the health or life safety code survey, whichever is later. the "official" survey date for the provider): Mar 1992

    Eligibility code (Indicates if a facility is eligible to participate in the Medicare and/or Medicaid programs): ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE

    Participation date (The date a facility is first approved to provide Medicare and/or Medicaid services): Jul 1966

    Quality Measure Score

       HereState AverageNation Average
    Heart Attack Patients Given ACE Inhibitor or ARB for Left Ventricular Systolic
    Dysfunction (LVSD)
       100%   90%   85%  
    Heart Attack Patients Given Aspirin at Arrival   94%   95%   93%  
    Heart Attack Patients Given Aspirin at Discharge   87%   93%   90%  
    Heart Attack Patients Given Beta Blocker at Arrival   81%   93%   88%  
    Heart Attack Patients Given Beta Blocker at Discharge   94%   94%   91%  
    Heart Attack Patients Given Fibrinolytic Medication Within 30 Minutes Of
       0%   23%   39%